Sunday, February 18, 2018

What Do You Read, What Do You Collect?

Copyright 2018, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

This is part of the "The Book of Me, Written By You" challenge/meme for 2018.  You too can be part of this experiment/experience, there is more information here, and at this Facebook page.

I used to read, to relax, bodice ripper books, yes, those romance novels.  In the last several years, I don’t.  I have given away my collection of those books.  I read some technical books, and even those I pick at.  I’d have to say, most of my reading these days is research.  Finding ancestors.  I will say, that reading old newspapers on line is great stuff.

Look what you can discover in the newspaper.  This is Man's great grandfather.  The town is 45 minutes from our home in Michigan.  We had NO idea his grandparents lived that close, we only knew he had lived in Minnesota and Iowa.

Collect?  Ancestors of course.  I enjoy antiques but, these days they are only brought home if they are family related.  Below:  My great grandparents marriage certificate, the original and a photo of their three daughters.  They were hanging in the family home we sold a few years ago, and I was granted permission to bring them home.  

We also brought home a small van full of furniture, cause I could not part with it a fire sale prices.  Like this hutch.  I need to convince Man to move it into our "parlor".  

Till next time - - 


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