Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Logan's Pass Back to Avalanche Creek

Copyright 2017, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

July     3013

Well, we drove Jolly UP to Logan's Pass from the west side of Glacier, and now, it is time to wander back down as our late afternoon/early evening hike possibility still awaits.

We spent a few minutes at Logan's Pass, taking in the splendor.

You can see the golden light hitting the sides of the mountains, the heavy clouds.

I shot off quite a few more shots of the Big Horn Sheep.  It was so far for Sony and I to see to get good photos, this one, not too bad:

Can't get enough of this view - -

But, alas, we finally must start back off the mountain:

MMM, shhhh, yes, we were driving in the midst of that yellow line.  No one coming at us, taking our half down the middle.  Shhhhh.  Don't tell on us.  And, yes, there are rain drops on the windshield (lower edge of photo) of Jolly.

Weeping wall.

The last three shots were trying to capture the sunshine streaming from the sky.  Our Maker was "spotlighting" the valleys.

I so enjoyed my "extra" drive up to Logan's Pass.  Thank you Man.


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