Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jolly Conquers (Err, Drives) Paria Station Utah :: Winter Sojourn 2014/15

Copyright 2015, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

Jolly the truck, the big hauling machine, took us for a grand ride the other day to Paria town site.  Down 6 miles (one way) of dirt roads, ruts, bumps, small wash outs easily driven over, more bumps, ruts and dried up "washes". There was no mud by the way, roadway totally dry, even the washes.

We had stopped at the picnic area for a rest and chatted with some other visitors who assured us that we could get to the cemetery via Jolly and indeed, we could get to the river.  They had just come from there.  We looked at a "shortcut", this wash, but, decided to take the long way around.  Yes, there is more to this story - - you know there is.  What you cannot see from this photo is how much of a drop there is and how steep it is.

This sign was almost at the end of the road (the river).  Man and I had to laugh.  We had been through several washes, over lots of ruts and bumps and they put the sign here??  Actually, the thought that some youngsters had moved the sign crossed our minds.  Those kids these days!  LOL

The sign reads:  High clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicles recommended.

This is the last few hundred feet before the river.  Those bushes create a tight passage, Jolly got his sides scraped and scratched a bit.

You can see the marks left by the twigs in this photo, poor Jolly.  Sure needs a bath. Jolly is playing hard!

We made our way back to the "shortcut".  Man decides to investigate up close and personal.

My view at the edge of the wash.  (Note the dusty hood.  Yep, been playing hard.  SOOO much fun!)

You KNOW Man went for it.  On the way up the opposite side. (And, yes, I got out and took photos.  I think I was supposed to watch Jolly and clearances, oh, yea, I did that too!  LOL)

This photo gives you some idea of the "pitch" and the depth of the wash.

Ya, Man is smiling.  Thumbs up dude!

Jolly was there, from this angle looks rather benign.

Jolly and Man had a blast!  Jolly may have slight scars to remember the day by.  We have a few days left in the area, who knows, we may go back.

* We are fully aware that this little wash may not look like much to those who are experienced in living and playing in these areas.  This is however a step out of our comfort zone.  And, being 6 miles out, with no cell phone, we tend to be VERY cautious.  Besides, I threaten Man with serious repercussions if he gets Jolly stuck or messes up the running boards.  You can ask Man!  LOL


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